Autores: Jacques Van Dam

Top expert Dr. Jacques Van Dam has compiled the most current clinical reviews on lumen-apposing stents, an important emerging field in interventional endoscopy that can substitute for more invasive surgeries. Authors have addressed the following topics in this issue: Fluid collections and pseudocysts as a complication of acute pancreatitis; Surgical management of pancreatic pseudocysts; Evolution of EUS-guided cyst gastrostomy; EUS-guided drainage of pancreatic fluid collections; EUS-guided biliary drainage as an alternative to ERCP; EUS-guided gallbladder drainage; Novel uses of LAMS; Lumen-apposing stents: Which one and why; Safety of LAMS; Endoscopic closure of fistuli; and How the experts do it: Step-by-step guide. Readers will come away with the knowledge they need to incorporate the use of LAMs in their clinical repertoire.

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