Autores: Charles Daley

This issue of Clinics in Chest Medicine, edited by Dr. Charles L. Daley and Dr. David Lewinsohn, focuses on Tuberculosis. Topics include: Epidemiology of Tuberculosis (TB) in the United States; Immunology of Tuberculosis; Tuberculosis and Biologics; Laboratory Diagnosis of Tuberculosis; Supranational Tuberculosis Reference Laboratories (a global approach); Treatment of Drug Susceptible Tuberculosis; Treatment of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis; New Drugs for the Treatment of Tuberculosis; Diagnosis of Latent Tuberculosis: the Role of Interferon Gamma Release; Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis; Management of Children with Tuberculosis; Tuberculosis and HIV; The Future of Vaccines for Tuberculosis; and Preventing Transmission of M. Tuberculosis.

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