Autores: David R Stukus

This issue of Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America, guest edited by Dr. David Stukus, is devoted to Pediatric Allergy. Articles in this important issue include: It’s Not Mom’s Fault: Prenatal and Early Life Exposures that Do and Do Not Contribute to Food Allergy Development; Implementation of Early Peanut Introduction Guidelines: It Takes a Village; Managing Younger Siblings of Food Allergic Children; Oral Food Challenges in Infants and Toddlers; Moving Past ‘Avoid all Nuts’: Individualizing Management of Children with Peanut/Tree Nut Allergies; Eczema is a Barrier Issue, Not an Allergy Issue; Tips and Tricks for Controlling Eczema; What to Do with an Abnormal Newborn Screen for Severe Combined Immune Deficiency; Vocal Cord Dysfunction: The Spectrum Across the Ages; It’s Time to Start Phenotyping Our Patients with Asthma; Asthma Self-Management: It’s Not One Size Fits All; and How Dr. Google is Impacting Parental Medical Decision Making.

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