The acquisition and implementation of new findings for clinical care in obstetrics and gynecology is at a more rapid pace than ever before. More understanding of the pathophysiology of disease coupled with improved screening technology and genetic information requires physicians to constantly update their knowledge-base and familiarize themselves with guidelines and advances in techniques as well as question old euphemisms. Medical specialties, including obstetrics and gynecology have moved from board certification as a solitary achievement to maintaining current knowledge- a continuous lifelong learning process. This issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics is dedicated to clinical care for patients with evidence-based recommendations: “state of the art? advice and updates. Articles are specifically devoted to Contraception: menarche to menopause; Vaginitis: beyond symptoms; Abnormal uterine bleeding; Recognition and therapeutic options for malignancy of the cervix and uterus; Gestational diabetes: Diagnosis, classification and clinical care; Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy; Obstetric emergencies: Shoulder dystocia and postpartum hemorrhage; Prenatal diagnosis: tools and tests for screening; Clinical recognition and screening for common breast disorders and malignancy; and Recognizing and managing common urogynecologic disorders.

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